Thursday, 9 April 2009

Week 28. On our uppers.

We’ve got that end-of-term-on-our-uppers feeling again. The boys are shattered and ratty with each other. And I want to run away with the fairies.

The last week before the spring holidays includes:

For J’s class, a trip to the music studio in Zurich to record the rap that has been the cause of so much recent excitement and playground tension……… ;

C bringing home this term’s delightful piece of handarbeit - a wooden kitchen blackboard in the shape of a hen – made entirely by him;


C’s piano “Vorspiel” – which is a concert arranged by his piano teacher allowing all his pupils to play a piece in front of an audience of other pupils and parents. It takes place in the Singsaal of the secondary school, which is a room a bit bigger than a usual classroom but not overwhelmingly big (such as a sports hall would be). Bit like a school concert but with less fuss. It lasts 35 minutes, with 20 pupils each playing a (very) short piece. C is one of the younger pupils, many of them appear to be in the middle and secondary school years. The evening ends with the teacher giving each child who has participated a large chocolate bunny, which is charming and generous and leaves me with a deeper understanding of why the Swiss are the biggest consumers of chocolate in the world. As I write, post Easter, we are drowning in the stuff. Which wouldn’t be such a problem if I had any self control whatsoever…..

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